2025 Webb Wright Little League Baseball
Ages 7-12
Another summer of baseball will be here before we know it. All 7 – 12-year-olds are encouraged to sign up for the 2024 Webb Wright Little Leage Baseball season. This program allows players to develop their game skills and knowledge while building teamwork and having fun. Timelines will be available at registration. Webb Wright baseball will use ages this year to determine what league the player is in. Intermediate baseball will also be divided via a draft, like the 11 and 12 division (Minor). Players must be 7 by August 31, 2025, and not turn 13 before August 31, 2025. SRD will provide uniforms, pants and hats. Players can keep hats at the end of the season.
Sign-up Process:
All sign-ups will have to be done on the Sport Connect website. We will add the link for registration here, once we get it up and running. http://leagues.bluesombrero.com/sheridanrecreation

League Descriptions
- Pee Wee (Coach Pitch)
- Ages 7 & 8 on Aug. 31st
- Placed on School teams
- Fee: $55
- Intermediate (Player Pitch)
- Ages 9 & 10 on Aug. 31st
- Drafted onto teams TR, BH, and Buffalo teams will have their teams.
- Fee: $60
- Minors (Player Pitch)
- Ages 11 & 12 (Player Pitch) Drafted onto teams TR, BH, and Buffalo teams will have own teams.
- Fee: $65
This is a volunteer-coached league. If you are interested in coaching or have questions, please contact Program Supervisor JD Williams.
(This timeline may be subject to change)
- Jan. 20th
- Start of Baseball and Softball Sign ups
- Jan. 23rd
- Little League Baseball Parent Meeting
- Apr. 11th
- End of Baseball and Softball Sign ups
- Apr. 14th
- 5:30pm Minis Softball Coaches Meeting @ SRD 6pm Pee Wee Baseball Coaches Meeting @ SRD
- Apr. 15th
- 5:30pm Intermediate Softball Coaches Meeting @ SRD 6pm Intermediate Baseball Coaches Meeting @ SRD
- Apr. 16th
- 5:30pm Minors Softball Coaches Meeting @ SRD 6pm Minors Baseball Coaches Meeting @ SRD
- Apr. 21st
- 5:30pm Minors Baseball player showcase @ SRD. Draft to follow
- Apr. 22nd
- 5:30pm Minors Softball player showcase @ SRD. Draft to follow
- Apr. 23rd
- 5:30pm Intermediate Baseball player showcase @ SRD. Draft to follow
- Apr. 28th
- First practices (not all teams will practice this date)
- May 19th
- First games (not all teams will play this date
- May 26th
- Memorial Day - No games