Strategic Plan
SRD Strategic Plan 2020

Executive Summary
The Sheridan Recreation District was established in 1974 for the purpose of providing recreational facilities and programs for the residents and visitors to the community. On October 23, 2019 the Board of Directors unanimously adopted The Sheridan Recreation District Strategic Plan. The plan includes multiple levels of visioning for the District including Guiding Principles, Strategic Directives and Key Initiatives. These concepts will be utilized by staff and the Board to develop short and long term goals that will support the Mission of the District. This plan will serve as a guide for the Board and Staff for the next three to five years. (Full plan available as a PDF file)
Guiding Principles
The plan includes two very high level concepts that are aligned with the Mission Statement and directly associated with the Strategic Directives.
Strategic Directives
Several high level concepts outline the District’s priorities. These directives capture the overall direction of the District, and include both short and long term goal strategies.
Key Initiatives
Key initiatives have been developed for each of the Strategic Directives. These are specific action items that bring the directives to a level of application and lead the plan toward success.
Guiding Principles
Quality of Life
Families, businesses and visitors are attracted to Sheridan largely because of their abundant recreational opportunities, Bighorn Mountains, strong employment sectors, safe neighborhoods, quality schools, professional health care facilities and an overall friendly atmosphere. Together, all of these attributes provide a Quality of Life standard that is unmatched in most communities across the country. The Sheridan Recreation District recognizes its importance within the community and adds to this Quality of Life standard through recreation programming and facility operation.
Service to Community
Parks & Recreation Departments across the country are all structured very differently in accordance with their local programs, parks and facilities. Revenue sources vary greatly including sales taxes, property taxes, user fees, grants, donations, etc. One common thread for all organizations is their Service to Community. Through multiple partnerships, stakeholder meetings, and public input sources, the Sheridan Recreation District is continually focused on Service to Community which includes local residents as well as visitors to this beautiful area.
Strategic Directives
1. Elevated Maintenance Standards
The Sheridan Recreation District and City of Sheridan entered into an operating agreement in 2019 for multiple parks and sports complexes throughout the community. The intent of the agreement is for the District to manage, operate and maintain City owned facilities that are programmed by the District for public recreation. These facilities include sports fields, playgrounds, park spaces, swimming pool, tennis courts and associated support facilities. The City provides some funding for the maintenance of city owned athletic complexes managed by the Sheridan Recreation District.
Departments across the country have been faced with increasing maintenance costs for public park facilities combined with limited or decreasing revenues sources. In order to continue providing safe and high quality facilities, the District will evaluate the needs of existing fields, playgrounds, equipment, etc. and implement necessary maintenance standards. This process will include multiple steps such as staff training, repairs and renovations, and replacements.

Key Initiatives:
- Facilities Needs Assessment
- Upgrade Fields
- Restroom Improvements
- Recreation Program Analytics
- User Based Evaluation of Facilities
- Board Workshop – Maintenance Priorities
- Equipment Inventory
- Playground Safety Inspector
2. Future Development Opportunities
The City of Sheridan is in the final stages of a community wide Parks Master Plan. This plan included a community survey whereby residents provided feedback on existing amenities as well as new and/or improved amenities that are desired. Those park facilities currently operated by the Recreation District were also included within the survey. The City and Recreation District are at a crossroads in regards to park development. There are multiple opportunities for new developments including the proposed Doubleday Sports Complex, however there are significant improvements needed for existing sites such as Thorne-Rider Park, Black Tooth Park, John Oatts Memorial Fields and Kendrick Pool.
Developments such as Doubleday will not only serve an increasing population base in Sheridan, but will also have a major impact on tourism throughout the area. Well developed and well maintained complexes can serve as a regional attraction for sporting events for users of all ages. Sheridan would benefit greatly from enhanced recreational developments.
The Board of Directors and Staff of the Recreation District will work to implement the strategic plan and to develop a balanced approach to maintenance of existing facilities and the development of new facilities.
Key Initiatives:
- Support Doubleday Project
- Opportunities for Kendrick Pool
- Develop Plan for John Oatts Memorial Fields Renovation
- Skatepark – Identify Location
- Expand Recreation Programs
- Follow Master Plan for Blacktooth Park
3. Collaborative Building/Manufacturing Cooperation
There are many community based organizations throughout Sheridan who provide services for users of all ages. Senior services, education, health services, land preservation and recreation are just a few of the specialized program areas that are addressed in the City. As identified in the Mission Statement, the Sheridan Recreation District is focused on enhancing the quality of life through its programs and park facilities. For more than 45 years, the District has been a reliable source of recreational activities, and much of their success is a result of strong partnerships throughout the community. Governmental agencies, private businesses, schools, and other local recreation providers are key assets to the District and will be enhanced in the future.
As the District prioritizes future projects and programs, collaborative efforts will be more and more critical to achieving the long term goals of the District. The joint powers of SCSD#2 and the City of Sheridan, which created the Sheridan Recreation District have demonstrated a collaborative effort in providing quality parks and recreation services for many years. This partnership, along with other private and public partnerships, will benefit all organizations and ultimately the citizens of Sheridan and the surrounding community.
Collaborations among entities can take many different forms. Joint projects and shared resources funding opportunities are a few strategies that will be enhanced in the future. The strongest component involved in community partnerships is communication. Community newsletters, public meetings, surveys, or monthly updates are all valuable tools in developing strong community relationships.
Key Initiatives:
- Explore Efficiencies in Parks & Recreation in Sheridan with SCSD#2 and the City of Sheridan
- Implement Foundation 501 (c) 3 to expand funding resources
- Collaborative Partnerships with SCSD#2, City of Sheridan, Sheridan County, YMCA, Antelope Butte Mountain Recreation Area, Sheridan Community Land Trust, Kendrick Golf Course
- Maintenance and Operations Plans for Current Facilities
- Utilize resources provided by the City of Sheridan
4. Efficiency & Innovation
As revenues for Parks & Recreation operations either stay stagnant or decrease, desires for services and new developments continue to increase. It is important to always seek efficiencies within the organization in an effort to continue the high quality levels of service that the community requests. These efficiencies will be more cost effective and will provide better service for the users of District programs. Through strong networking and staff training, best practices will be identified, prioritized and implemented.
Key Initiatives:
- Review Trending Recreation Opportunities
- Develop Plan for Scheduling Parks/Facilities
- Technological Improvements
- Maintenance Efficiencies
Core Values
Core Values represent the fundamental beliefs of our organization. These traits are expected of all employees and partners with the Sheridan Recreation District.
- Innovative – Creative modern and safe practices for quality programs and facilities
- Integrity – Responsibly upholding public trust through dependability, loyalty and honesty
- Inclusive – Cooperatively serving the community
Mission Statement
To Enhance the Quality of Life in Our Community by Providing Innovative and Safe Recreational Opportunities
‘It Starts In Parks’