Women’s Volleyball League
2024-25 Women’s Volleyball League
It is time to get your team now and get ready for another season in the Sheridan Recreation District Women’s Volleyball League! Teams will sign up for Women’s Divisions “A”, and “B”. Registration for all leagues open Tuesday September 3rd , all matches will be played at Sheridan Junior High in the Old Gym.
“A” Division Teams will play games along with a tournament on Mondays Nights starting on Monday October 21st and will finish Mid-February.

“B” Division Games will be played on Wednesday nights starting Wednesday October 23rd. There will be scheduled breaks in the season for Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays.

Manager’s Meeting:
will be Thursday October 3rd at Sheridan Junior High Cafeteria at 6PM. If you attend the manager meeting your team will receive a 10% discount for your season fee.
Not on a team yet?
Individuals looking to play this season, who might not have a team are encouraged to come to the manager’s meeting and meet with team captains.
Sign up at the Sheridan Recreation Office in person or call 674-6421 or register online at www.sheridanrecreation.com or contact Program Supervisor Zach Stewart at zach.stewart@sheridanrecreation.com
Registration Dates: September 3rd– October 11th
Season Duration: October 21- Mid February (Time off for Thanksgiving and Christmas)
Location: Sheridan Junior High Old Gym
Game Times: TBA based on Gym Availability
Game Days: “A” League is Mondays & “B” League on Wednesdays
Fee: $355 ($319.50 if you attend the Manager’s Meeting)
*Manager Meeting: Thursday October 3rd at 6PM at Sheridan Junior High School Cafeteria.